Car insurance

There are so many cars on the road, some driven by reckless drivers , others have technical problems , sometimes the road is to blame >, the traffic light , the pedestrian , whatever the causes of the accident you must insure your car , car insurance is a necessary evil. Everyone needs to have it anyway .
Car insurance mainly covers civil liability for personal injury and property damage , but also a number of other Additional coverages to choose from such as fire insurance and theft , mixed insurance , terrorism insurance and malicious acts , and others. We will suggest you the cheapest car insurance and you will decide which car insurance to choose.
QMS in case you insure more than one vehicle provides a family discount & in case you insure your home, you have an additional discount on your vehicle.

Car insurance is about:
Civil liability - bodily harm per person 750,000 euros.
Civil liability - Material damage by accident 750,000 euros.
Fire insurance
Total and partial theft insurance ,
Key replacement,
Loss of documents,
Uninsured vehicle,
Crystal breakage,
Personal accident,
Compensation Compensation / amicable settlement,
Roadside assistance,
Vehicle replacement
Mixed insurance,
Malicious acts

Our main goal is to propose the most advantageous solutions , always depending on the needs , but also the financial possibilities of our customers, regardless of whether they already have insurance policies .