Legal care of a car accident

After the accident, direct communication with our consultants plays a very important role.
Full follow-up of the case from the day of the accident, in order to record with fullness and clarity from the traffic the data that prove your views about the traffic.

Collaborate with expert experts / technical consultants, who prepare technical reports, in order to fully analyze the circumstances of the accident.

Collaborate with doctors in order to record in detail the bodily injuries, to predict and to record future consequences of the accident (eg disabilities).

After gathering the above material, seeking an out-of-court settlement of the dispute with the insurance company of the other party and in case of failure of the out-of-court settlement, filing a lawsuit in the competent Court and discussing it at all levels of jurisdiction (eg, Court of First Instance and if necessary, Court of Appeal Ario Pagos).

In this area, the services provided (legal advice, medical opinions, technical expertise, appearances in the Courts) do not burden our client financially, except by receiving his compensation from the insurance company of his opponent.